Trying to Get Your Work Out There?
Get the project DONE?
Triple your price?!
"I don't know where to begin."
"I don't even have a vision."
​"I'm not 100% refined in what I would focus on."
​"I'm afraid of branching out on my own."
​"I'm so overwhelmed and I don't know where to start."
​"I'm unsure on which exact direction to pursue."
​"I'm stuck for ideas."
​"Money blocks."​
"I can't because:
No list
I'm too old
Too much tech
Not enough content
​I don't look good enough
​I have to be an expert
It has to be perfect
I have to have a complete plan first
I don't have enough time or money
It's hard to charge for what I do..."
...shall I go on?
Do you have ANY of these limiting beliefs or fears?
Do you know it only takes ONE of those beliefs to hold you back?
How long has this been going on?
What is this costing you?
Creative flow?
Peace of mind?
How much longer can you stand it?
Do you know these beliefs
actually come from somewhere?
We can find the block.
We can shift it or even remove it.
It is possible.
Feed the part of you that
absolutely needs to do it.
It is possible.
- 1,200 US dollars
- 300 US dollars
- 2,500 US dollars