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Let me help you get moving on that project

You can be FREE to move with ease,
FREE to ask for what you need and want,
FREE to complete those pesky tasks
When you think about raising your price/fee,
or marketing your program, or making your website, does it:
*make you feel sick to your stomach?
*give you a headache?
*make you need to pig out?
*feel like you need to hide?

The longer you wait, how much is that costing you?
Daniel Sonntag
EFT Practitioner
Daniel Sonntag is a holistic coach who is committed to providing his clients with an effective and surefire way to change behaviors and heal underlying causes that hold us back and cause anxiety.

Client Testimonials

Suzanne Warsaw - Colrain, MA

"I took Daniel's Tapping/Meditation series in the fall. Daniel takes the time to understand what the blocks are and "Tap" you through them. My meditation practice has been taken to a whole new level as a result of his sessions. Thank you Daniel!"

Emotional Freedom Techniques
"EFT" or "Tapping"

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a practical self-help method that involves using the fingers to gently tap on the body's acupuncture points along the meridian lines of Chinese medicine. It is often referred to as ‘EFT Tapping’ or simply as ‘Tapping’. The therapeutic effects of this technique are recognized around the world. One can use EFT tapping for anxiety, weight loss issues, pain, stress and many other issues.


Afraid to move forward?
Successful, but not 'feeling it'?

EFT can give immediate relief AND change your entire outlook on life. In EFT we find out why you keep getting triggered.

Once you know where that comes from (often childhood imprints), you no longer get triggered.


It's gone.

If you already know where it comes from, good work,  you're ahead of the game! EFT works well with any method you've used already to discover yourself.

One session to start, follow up sessions to expand and grow on your own clear directed path.

Matrix Reimprinting

Reprogram childhood beliefs, and that 'little you' feels empowered, rather than squashed and afraid.

Our childhood events taught us how to see life. If that view is not working for you, you can change it. This is gentle and easy in the Matrix.

Matrix Reimprinting is an EFT Technique! But you get to help your younger 'you' or a traumatized part of you, or a family part of you.

Once you learn what beliefs were chosen in that moment, you can completely change your perception and your beliefs.Gently and easily


IN-PERSON ONLY - Plan for a holistic weekend in the Berkshires

Nutrition & Toxin Testing (in person only)

We are breathing and drinking in chemicals everyday. Our food is nutritionally depleted. No wonder our bodies are falling apart!

You can gently detox heavy metals, chemicals, years of build-up, gently and safely. A clean body begins to heal itself in a way it never could before.

In my local office in Western Massachusetts, I use a simple technique to 'ask' the body what it needs to be clean and clear, and which nutrients are deficient.

Feel cleaner, think clearer, age stronger. The body is created to be healthy while we are alive. Decline is not needed. Get better with age!
An in-person evaluation will include several holistic diagnostic tools that provide many clues as to where imbalances remain. Includes HRV evaluation. Scar evaluation and cold laser handling.

Custom tapping sequence available.
Blocks: Find 'em and Fix 'em!

About Tapping
Sea Shore

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