Sometimes, just the thought of writing feels like running into a brick wall (or some kind of faux-stone wall). Tapping can easily be used to smash that wall. It might first require us to, um, well stop running. Ouch! Writing is usually a more peaceful physical activity. We can run at other times, smash into walls at other times.
But let's not write like this. Who could read our handwriting anyway? Stop running.
How would this work? Start with a few professional EFT sessions to break through this insanity, and then practice tapping on your own as needed, and you can be peacefully, or eagerly, writing.
In about 3-6 sessions, you will clearly identify what is blocking you, whether it is an inner voice or some kind of dysfunctional belief like "I don't have the time, talent, money, language skills, etc." Or, perhaps, you believe someone won't like your writing. Perhaps you don't know where to begin, or what to write about.
Let's do a few sessions together to identify what your personal blockage is. More sessions can completely pulverize this wall and remove it forever, depends on how deeply-seated it is. But often, 3 sessions can absolutely break it open. I'll pretty much guarantee 3 sessions to break it open.
After that, you can use the tapping by yourself to continue, since I'll be simultaneously teaching you how to use it for yourself, but I highly recommend more sessions to be sure that that blockage is completely and 100% gone. For good. Forever. Not needed. Not possible.
If you're a writer, or want to be, or think you could be, or should be, or have to be, or called to be, then why aren't you? Let's find out why and handle that.
Sign up for my special 'writer's block' package. 3 sessions for $349. It will require a pen and notebook. We can work via Skype or Zoom. Please try to have a good internet connection and be ready to work. Or sign up for a one-month intensive.